Monday, December 10, 2012

Real-life customer quote

A woman comes up to the counter and asks if we have Portal 2.

"We don't have that item in stock. It's pretty hard to find. The computer's saying that one of our other locations in the city should have a copy of it, though." She looks right at me and asks:

"Well, would a store have it?"

I work in a store. She was standing in a store. I looked right at her. She did not clarify.

"I don't understand the question," I said.

"Would a store have it," she repeated, as if that would help.

"I still don't understand the question," I said. When she started to ask the same question a third time, her husband heard her and cut her off.

"Honey, we're in a store right now." I was just happy I didn't have to say it. She threw her hands up in the air as if we were the unclear ones.

"I mean, like, a retail store," she said. "Like Target."

A retail store, like Target.

"No," I said. "That game isn't being produced new anymore." And also, for the record, we are a retail store. 

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