Thursday, May 30, 2013

It's all about the Benjamin

This is what I did at work today:

The top ten preorder dry-erase board, with a picture of Benjamin Froakie.

Froakie is the water-type starter from Pokémon X & Y:

Froakie, the water-type starter from Pokémon X & Y.

Despite being a cartoon frog, he looks suspiciously similar to American founding father Benjamin Franklin:

Benjamin Franklin, avid chess player and ladies' man.

Coincidence? You tell me.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A screenshot of a text conversation on Link's iPhone, between him and Saria.

SARIA: havent heard from u in a while, whats going on in ur life?

LINK: VACATION NOTICE: My soul has been sealed in the Temple of Time for seven years. I am unable to respond to your texts while in the void.

SARIA: what ]

This is what an idiot looks like

Maybe this person has bandwidth or data limits and doesn't want to risk going to any website other than Facebook. Maybe they don't have a phone?


[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A Facebook conversation with pictures, names, and places blocked out. 

RED: Are yall open today

STORE: Please contact your local [Store] for store hours: http://www.[store].com/browse/storesearch.aspx

RED: So are yall open today yes or no ]

Monday, May 27, 2013

I think I'm a bad influence on my coworkers

And now I present to you, my loyal readers, some store-produced fan art that WAS NOT drawn by me!

A stick figure drawing of The Banana Stand. We're Arrested Development people.

Thank you, bossbro, for this beautiful addition to my day. My happiness and job satisfaction owe you a great debt.

I used to have a coworker whose name was Michael. Everyone in the store always referred to him as "...Michael," in the Gob voice. I miss that. We need to hire another Michael.


I've made a huge mistake.

Happy Memorial Day!

I hate holidays.

Contrary to popular opinion, lowly retail workers such as myself do not get paid extra for working on holidays. On top of that, everyone who comes into the store on a major holiday is crazy. Like the people who are depressed because they have no one to spend the holiday with, and take it out on us. Or the parents who drop in to buy electronic "babysitters" for their kids, so that mommy and daddy can get their drink on at the neighborhood BBQ.

Working on Memorial Day and Veterans' Day is especially depressing, because my job explicitly does not offer military discounts.

"Oh, you're in the military? NO YOU CANNOT HAVE 10% OFF A VIDEO GAME THING" - My Job.

We do have one real-life veteran who works at my store, who I will call The Veteran, both because he is an actual military veteran, and because he's been working there since the dawn of time.

Thank you for your service to our country, The Veteran!

No, you cannot have 10% off video game things, or real health care, or any other benefits, really. All you get are some generic Facebook thank yous twice a year, which, you have to admit, is still almost as good as being able to afford food on a regular basis.

Happy Memorial Day! 

Introducing coworker Free-Shirt

"What is wrong with Call of Duty people?" asked one of my subordinates, a woman who wants to be referred to as Lesbian Free-Shirt.

"Everything," I said.

"No, seriously," said Lesbian Free-Shirt. "I was walking to work today, wearing one of my free work shirts, and a guy stopped me to ask if I work at the store whose free shirt I was wearing."

"LOL. Free shirt," I said.

"I said, "Yeah, I do." And he said, "Do you play Call of Duty?" And I said, "No." And he was all, "Maaan, you must just play girl games or some shit." And I said "I play a lot of Borderlands," and he said, "Borderlands is for pussies!" and in my head I was like, Call of Duty is for twelve-year-olds."

"I'm putting this conversation on my blog," I said.

"LOL," said Lesbian Free-Shirt. "You should call me Lesbian Free-Shirt."

The end.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Craft corner

I love cutting out pieces of paper and sticking them to other pieces of paper. It's a very specific hobby. Don't worry about it.

Here is one of the things I made my mother for her birthday:

Iron Man, and also part of my leg. Hey, leg!

While we're at it, here's what I made ladyboss for her birthday:

Clap Trap, from Borderlands 2


The end.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Today is my mom's 60th birthday

Since we've established that I got the gamer gene from my father, astute and interested readers may be wondering what I inherited from my mother.

ANSWER: My mom is an artist!

But, you know, a real one. With degrees and everything. As opposed to a dry erase board one.

My mom can make literally anything you could come up with using some combination of paint, fabric, thread, yarn, cardboard, and common household materials. (She can even make her own clothes! And they're sexy!) I mean, check out this painting she did of the entrance to my first apartment:

A painting of my first apartment. MATERIALS: Watercolors, motherly love

"Wow," you might be saying. "What a cute little first apartment." FALSE. My first apartment was a total shithole. The entrance was on the side of a decrepit old house on a college campus. All that concrete you're seeing was a creepy alleyway filled with old plastic chairs. For fuck's sake, the fire escape was directly above the door, and she even left that part in. But here it looks so cute! Because my mom has magical powers.

Every creative impulse I have comes from my mom. She's even the one who wanted me to start a gamer blog. Well, technically, she wanted me to write a book, and told me not to "waste my talent on the internet." But hey, if I did everything my mom told me to, my life would look pretty different. 

One thing (of many) my mom and I really don't see eye-to-eye on is video games, despite the fact that my parents have spent thousands of dollars on them by this point. That's ok, because she was too busy being a craft wizard and supermom.

Old age, however, is the perfect time to discover video games!

When asked what she wants for her 60th birthday, my mom always says, "a trip to Paris." Well, obviously, if I had Paris money, I wouldn't be working at a shitty video game store. You know what can take you to Paris, though?

(HINT: The answer is video games.)

Let's take a look at some video games that take place entirely or partially in France.

Remember Me. Technically, it takes place in "Neo-Paris," because it's the future and stuff. Remember Me is also the name of a crappy Robert Pattinson movie. I am not talking about the crappy Robert Pattinson movie.

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. Look at the cute raccoon, mom!! He's wearing a hat!

Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War. Does 15th century France still count?

And that's just scratching the surface! There are dozens of World War II games set in France, and most racing games have a Paris level. What if we expanded our criteria to include games with French titles, or games made by French developers? Helloooo, Beyond: Two Souls, starring Willem Dafoe!

Seriously. You know where to find me. Have your people call my people. French video games. Gonna be awesome.

In any case, the point is, without my mom, this could never have happened:

Dry-erase Jeff Goldblum strikes again!

The world owes my mother a great debt.

Happy birthday, mom! Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

That pretty much means you can just do whatever you want.

P.S. I love you.

P.P.S. My mom watched and genuinely enjoyed the movie P.S. I Love You, because she is a dork.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Borderlands 20 Questions

My brother and I have been entertaining ourselves by playing 20 Questions via text. They're pretty much always obscure Borderlands characters, because obviously.

You're welcome, readers, for this glimpse into the life and times of Miss Blog Lady:

"Is it a person?"


"Is it a human?"


"Is this person fictional?"


"Is this person from a video game?"


"Was the game released on the Xbox 360?"


"Does this person live on Pandora?"


"Is this person a playable character?"


"Does this person appear exclusively in the expansions?"


"Is this person alive at the end of Borderlands 2?"


"Does the player have the option of killing this person?"


"Is the person a bandit?"


"Does this person want you to shoot him in the face?"

"You know? I'm pretty sure he does."



Goddamn, I love Face McShooty, and also beating my brother at 20 Questions.

Video transcript after the jump.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Brilliance from the corporate idea machine

Our corporate office just asked us to send them our T-shirt sizes, so that they can send us promotional shirts in sizes that fit us, instead of just tossing a bunch of random crap in a box and calling it a day.

I wonder how long it took, and how much they got paid, to come up with this brilliant idea.

No, seriously. I wish I were that smart.

Monday, May 20, 2013

A wartty crisis

I'm usually pretty good at decoding inarticulate gibberish, but I honestly have no idea what Red is trying to say. They may or may not have purchased an extended warranty, and they definitely have no idea how a warranty works. That's all I got. 

Blue is probably the kind of person who thinks that if you throw your controller at a wall and it stops working, you're entitled to go back to the place where you bought it and ask for a new one. PRO TIP: Nope.

Green gets a gold star.

[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A Facebook conversation with pictures, names, and places blocked out. 

RED: [Name of store redacted] lie to about wartty work just get u to buy it u must have ext wartty to cover it

BLUE: No....say it ain't so [name of store redacted] lie! Oh don't shop there if you want any kind of customer service!

GREEN: I go to a dermatologist for my warrtys. ]

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The internet's new chess authority

Somebody legit found their way to this blog by googling "chess board setup."

Remember, kids: white on the right!

Way schway

Been watching Batman Beyond.

Called somebody a "twip" out loud today.

I regret nothing.


Retail the Comic:

[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An installment of Retail the Comic. by Norm Feuti.

BOSSDUDE (JOSH): Has it ever occurred to you that the mediocre effort you put into your job affects your yearly review and pay increase?

DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE (COOPER): The maximum raise an employee can get without a promotion is 3%. For me, that makes the difference between "stellar" and "mediocre" about 10 cents an hour. Has it ever occurred to you that it only costs me a dime to phone it in?

JOSH: It occurs to me that you're not worth reasoning with.]

Read the comments, they're great.

Retail workers are not fairly compensated for their time and effort. I do make more than the U.S. minimum wage, but only because I'm a keyholder, which at my job makes me the cashier, salesperson, customer service rep, loss prevention lady, maintenance chick, and stock person all at once, often while running the whole store by myself for hours at a time. Corporate slashed my hours, too, because they're worried I might hit full time and be eligible for benefits. So, I just took a huge pay decrease, despite being a pretty stellar employee.

"Wait a minute," you might be saying. "That's not a funny retail story at all! That's actually super depressing!"

Yeah, well, retail sucks. At least I'm a supervisor, so my résumé isn't totally pathetic.

"OMG, back up," you might be saying now. "Crazy blog lady is someone's boss!?"

Damn straight! And I'm the best boss ever!

(Subordinates reading this blog: shhhhh.)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

No, seriously

A lady just came into the store to sell an iPad 3.

"Unfortunately, we have to lower the value we offer you because of the engraving on the back."

"Isn't that a sticker?"

"No, that's been laser etched into the back."

"Can't you just paint over it?"

"No one will buy an iPad 3 that's been painted."

She freaked out and left.

No one will buy an iPad 3 that has "PUMP SERVICES" engraved on the back.

Friday, May 17, 2013

What up, Japan!

Blogger is telling me that I'm getting page views in JAPAN!

Hi, Nathan.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


With the announcement of the new Microsoft console nigh, rumors are flying.

"Wow," I said. "Telling people they shouldn't believe everything they read on the internet one at a time is horribly inefficient. There must be another way." And that's when I remembered:


The fact that I both have an internet platform and claim to work at a video game store gives me more than enough authority and insider knowledge to dish on the new system. Don't pay attention to the rumors flying around the interblag, kids.

This is the real deal.

Here we go.


PICTURED: The Microsoft Super Xbox 58008, in a very dark room.

(Type it into your calculator, y'all! LOL!)


The 58008 will play VHS tapes, and be fully backwards compatible with the Neo Geo.

It is not recommended for use by male Americans age 0-85, because of a common hardware failure that can cause your dick to fall off. The first year failure rate is 98%.

The body of the console is powered by live bees. When you open the disc drive, bees come out.

Every system will have a Kinect built in, so that Bill Gates can watch you sleep. No, seriously, it's part of the user agreement. 


Dude With Gun 9: More Nazis!

Family Party Sunshine Happy Funtime Smiles


 Bro With Slightly Different Gun: It's Commies This Time, You Guys

A bunch of sports games designed on the Xbox 360 and ported over, badly


Unlike previous Xboxes, the 58008 does, in fact, come with The Internet.

Before getting online, the system will require a record of your bank account information. Every time you do anything online, you will be charged five dollars. Every time you sign offline, former Microsoft executive Adam Orth will appear and slap you in the face.

Deal with it.


The Xbox 58008 will cost $58,008. Just send it to my paypal account. I'll hook you up.

The new system will be available for pre-order, starting right now, exclusively at Denny's.

In order to purchase the 58008, you must first register to vote, and pass a basic reading comprehension test.  

The 58008 will hit stores just in time for the holidays, on 11/31/13.

And there you have it, folks! Everything you need to know about the launch of the Super Xbox 58008. I'll just be right here, waiting for you to send me all your money and gratitude.   

You're welcome.

Technology is scary

A woman just came into the store asking about wireless headsets for her kid.

"Will that increase the electromagnetic frequency around the head?"

"Yes it will," said bossbro. "Does he have an implant?"

"No, but I know there's a controversy."

Of course you do. She did not react to my silent judgment.

"Do wireless controllers do that, too?" she asked.

"Yes. It's the same as using a cell phone."

She left.

"You know what else produces an electromagnetic field?" said bossbro. "The Earth."

RELATED: The lady from last Christmas who asked us if the scans from a Kinect are dangerous.

"It's a camera," we said. "It's not scanning anything."

She didn't get it.

And that's the day I added "explaining, in-depth, how cameras work" to my list of job responsibilities.

Jeff Goldblum drawing update

A regular suggested the following updates, and I happily obliged. Anything for the fans!

Ian Malcolm is now being chased by a cartoon T-Rex. Hooray!

BTW: My dry erase board drawings have fans.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Go Team Bossbro

I just watched one of our regulars openly plan to commit insurance fraud.

"You should've filmed it and blackmailed him," my brother told me.

"Which is also a crime," I said.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Style Savvy and the human condition

My favorite part of Style Savvy: Trendsetters is that your boring lookalike customers all have a one sentence blurb about them that's completely nonsensical.  I like to imagine that the writing staff got balls drunk together at the most awesome party ever, then just started shouting random factoids about themselves and writing them down. Maybe they knew how bad the game was and did it for the lols. Maybe it was all a protest against how generic the characters and dialogue are. Maybe it's an elaborate statement on the human condition in the world of Twitter and Facebook, where people really are summarized by their own tiny blurbs.

There's no way of knowing.

All of them are weirdly specific, but most of them are pretty standard ("Likes things that smell like lavender," "travels to Europe to buy designer clothes," and so on.)

"Dennis collects ugly modern art pieces for the shock value." They spelled "is a dirty hipster with too much disposable income" wrong.

Some, though, are just completely bizarre.

I'm guessing there was a lot of food at that party, because a lot are based on weird food preferences:

"Melisandra thinks cooked egg whites are too tasteless and rubbery."

"Alena prefers breath mints to gum after eating lots of onions."

"Jasna drinks juice at restaurants, but out of teacups, to disguise it."

"Naomi became a vegetarian on a dare. She hates vegetables."

"Janet will eat anything lemon flavored- but not lemons."

"Wendy likes fish sticks, and she's not apologizing for that."

Does Alena eat "lots of onions" regularly? Why doesn't Naomi just stop being vegetarian? And we're ok with your fish sticks, Wendy! You eat those fish sticks and you love them.

There are a couple trying to condition the girls who play this game to want to have sex with geeks when they're older:

"Gina has a weakness for guys at school who wear glasses."

"Karen secretly likes it when guys talk about nerdy stuff."

Both of those apply to me. Fellas, just pop on your specs and come talk to me about Final Fantasy. I'm totally into it.

A large number are about cats:

"Yvonne laughs when she sees a cat on a leash looking irritated."

"Muriel feeds all the stray cats in the neighborhood."

"Tanita volunteers at a shelter for stray cats, but is allergic to them."   

"Aster can't help but buy anything with a cute cat on it."

 "Camille talks to her cats in wacky cartoon voices. They listen."

 "Alistair is secretly in love with websites about silly cat tricks."

It's ok- we can say LOLcats here. Alistair secretly loves LOLcats. Tell everyone.

Then we get some really strange double-take facts mixed in. Like, "Wait, what? Do I really want this person shopping in my store if the only thing I know about her is that her entire family are all carnies? Or that guy, who's obsessed with "polishing" his "baseball glove" every night? Why does he call it his "baseball glove"?"

 "Ruth believes owls are a symbol of mystical and ancient wisdom."

"Carmen has never been late and owns no clocks. She's secretly magic."

"Millie names her pets after celebrities she has crushes on."

"Sarita is a psychic with a quirky life. Ready the sitcom contracts."

 "Philip polishes his prized baseball glove before bed every night."

 "Kayley has a unicorn collection that no one has ever seen."

 "Magdelena talks to her garden plants when she feels stressed."

 "Selene comes from a long line of traveling circus clowns." 

 "Snow's hobbies are weird and strange to everyone but her."

I want to know what Snow's hobbies are, if public opinion in this town has decided that they're weirder than naming your cat Jeff Goldblum or collecting imaginary unicorns. Actually, no. I don't want to know what Snow's hobbies are, because they're probably gross and illegal.

On the one hand, I feel like it would be fun to play this game with my real customers, but on the other hand, I feel like it would be way too easy. "Plays nothing but Call of Duty, but tells everyone he's a huge gamer nerd." "Doesn't know how the internet works." "Does a lot of meth." "Wants to have sex with me." "Has trained himself not to be able to hear retail employees." "Hasn't cleaned his apartment in eighteen months."

"Polishes his prized baseball glove before bed every night."

Style Savvy: Trendsetters

I have a confession to make.

I fucking love "girly" games.

Continue at your own peril.

I borrowed Style Savvy: Trendsetters from the store because I've never played anything in the series, and it's good to play the stuff people will be asking you about. Also, I fucking love that shit. I had more fun playing My Sims than I probably have ever had in my life ever. Sometimes, a girl just wants to help some fake people decorate some fake houses, you know?

Style Savvy is a pretty ordinary style of game, where you run a fashion boutique. People come in and they're like "OMG, I need a cute outfit for my date with a boy" and then you find them an outfit and then they pay you. Then when you run out of cute outfits for dates with boys, you get to go to the supplier and buy more. After you make a certain number of customers happy with your bitchin' stylings, you move on to the next "level" of the game, where everything is the same but you have more fashion options unlocked.

That's pretty much the structure of all fashion games, by the way.

This game is basically The Sims, if the game stopped right after you design your characters and build your house, and made you keep designing new characters. Which is pretty much all I did when I played The Sims as a kid anyway, since we didn't have no fancy "downtown" back then and you had to make enough background Sims for your good Sims to be friends with to advance in their super awesome careers.

"Oh, I'm totally qualified for this promotion, because I'm BFFs with the eight people who live on the empty plot of land next door."

"Great! Take our money!"

In Style Savvy, after you get hired on the spot while checking out a trendy boutique, it only takes a few days for the manager to split and leave you in charge. She gives you the privilege of renaming the store you now run. It took me a few tries to beat the profanity filter (my first choice was Ballsack), but eventually the filter and I settled on a name that could work for us:

"Congratulations! Your very own shop, Satan Taint, is now open!"

Yes, all the pictures in this post are photos I took of my 3DS screen. Don't worry about it. This isn't a professional operation.

Once I was put in charge of Satan Taint, I was also in charge of remodeling the store. The customers who come to your establishment are affected by the store's design. Here's a shot I took of Satan Taint's "princess" phase:

A picture of Satan Taint, decked out in pink frills. It's hot in there.

"But wait," you might be saying, if you've managed to make it this far into a post about the time I've spent playing Style Savvy: Trendsetters. "Princess? Really?"

There are a bunch of different "styles" used in the game. The familiar ones are basic attire, professional, 60s retro, boho chic, trendy, cute, punk, bold, and sporty. Some of these are kind of redundant- pretty much everything in "bold" and "punk" overlaps with each other. But we also get "pop," "Asian," "princess," and "gothic princess."

Because this game was made in Japan!

Apparently the lolita style is too confusing for an American audience, so it was renamed to "princess," even though the style is Victorian and has nothing to do with princesses. The pop style refers to the mishmash of bright colors and patterns we're all used to seeing on cute Asian pop stars. And even though your average American would consider all of the above "Asian style" if he or she stopped to think about it, the Asian style in the game are clothes with traditional features, like shirts with mandarin collars and jeans with crane or cherry blossom prints.

Style Savvy: Trendsetters taught me knowledge. Like the fact that boho chic has tragically infected Japan. Who knew? At least they don't- according to categories established by this game- have any fucking hipsters.

You can style guys, too, but all the man stylings look totally ridiculous. Check out this guy:

There is a man in this picture. A man with a creepy soul patch who is wearing a pink shirt under a blue and black checked puffy vest that has leather shoulder pad things for no reason, and also green dress pants. He just showed up in my store looking like that. This man and his clothes are the stuff of nightmares.

Every single dude in the game looks like that. Luckily, it's not one of those games where you have to pick up a boyfriend on the side, because barf.

The game, unsurprisingly, is pretty repetitive. Everyone looks and sounds the same. Dialogue is canned and repeated with dozens of different customers. A good chunk of the different styles are just the same cut in different colors. You can enter fashion contests, but I'm pretty sure you just win them by default. (But that might be because I'm about fifteen years too old to be playing this game.)

Corners were cut, as it were.

The problem with "girly" games (for lack of a better general term) is that, well, they're marketed towards girls, and no one gives a fuck. There's no objective reason why a game about running a fashion boutique has to be repetitive and poorly made. But since the game is marketed to a "casual" (read: female) audience, budgets are nonexistent and developers are pressured to put out a product as soon as possible. "Who cares if it's bad?" say the publishers, with their actions if not their words. "It's about running a fashion boutique. And people who are into that will buy it no matter how terrible it is, because there aren't any other options."

Speaking of customers, I was playing Style Savvy while my friend groomed my sister's dog. He used to work in the electronics department at Another Retailer.

"Oh my God," he said. "You're playing Style Savvy: Trendsetters!? What is wrong with you!?"

"I like picking out outfits and running a fake store," I said. "Besides, these customers appreciate my input."

"What you just said is probably evidence that you have some sort of condition," he said.

This entire blog is evidence that I have some sort of condition.


Monday, May 13, 2013

I don't draw real people for a reason

I have a very specific condition where I can only draw things that are cute. This didn't stop me, however, from attempting to draw my soulmate / BFF Jeff Goldblum on the board as a joke.

A list of our top ten preorder titles, followed by a portrait of Ian Malcolm, aka Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park.

That's right. Breathe in the terrible Jeff Goldblum dry-erase board drawing that has nothing to do with video games. (There is a fairly recent Jurassic Park video game, but Ian Malcolm isn't in it.) I just got tired of people yelling at me about Kingdom Hearts 3, and I wanted ladyboss to swear at me in a text message.


More importantly, I usually intentionally do one of the video game titles wrong, just to see how many people are reading the board. Last time it was Assassin's Creed IV: The Wind Waker, a title invented by one of my coworkers (SHOUT OUT!), which led to endless confusion for angry stoner Assassin's Creed fans everywhere.

"Ummm, it's called Black Flag."

"I know that. It's a joke."

"Ummm, I don't get it."


When Assassin's Creed III, which has no subtitle, was coming out, it was on the board for weeks as Assassin's Creed III: Red, White, and Blood. Lots of people thought it was real. Lots of people.

But more more importantly:

I cheered out loud when this shot happened in Jurassic Park 3D. Don't worry about it.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day at the video game store is a depressing parade of assholes-in-training forcing their moms to go out and buy them expensive toys on the one day that's supposed to be about mothers. So, I'm not going to write about that.

Contrary to public opinion, I do, in fact, have a mother, and she's pretty great. Her birthday's in a couple weeks, though, so I'll save my mom-talk for then.  I'm not writing about her today, either.

Because Mother's Day is a significant date in the work history of Miss Blog Lady.

Mother's Day, 2005 was the first- and only!- time I ever cried because of a customer.

When I was 16, my family filed for bankruptcy, and I went out and got my very first crappy service job as a waitress at one of those super cheap sit-down "family" restaurants. (Oh, the waitress stories.) They were always on us about up-selling drinks and desserts on top of meals. So, this particular Mother's Day, an older gentleman gets put in my section. The meal happens without any difficulty.

"Would you like to order any dessert today? It's Mother's Day!" I asked, like a good little corporate stooge, while clearing up his plates.

"WELL, I'M NOT A MOTHER," said Grumpy Old Man.

"Do you have any kids?" I asked.


"Uh... oh, gosh. I'm so sorry," I said. The awkwardness was tangible. He grumbled some more.


"Uh... ok," I said, with a chipper teenage waitress smile, and I went back and put it in. A couple minutes later, I bring out his sundae.

"I SHOULDN'T HAVE ORDERED THIS," yelled Grumpy Old Man, as if the fact that he asked me for a sundae was somehow my fault.

Then he complained to my manager and didn't leave me a tip.

I was young. I'd been working for less than two months. I didn't know yet that customers will find any excuse to blame their own problems on service people. So, I went in the back room and cried, because some mean old guy who's ok with screaming at kids was triggered into a frothy rage by my smalltalk about the holiday.

Nowadays when people yell nonsense at me I just give them my "no one cares" face and tell them that no one's making them shop at my store. "You tryin' to rattle me? Please. I got that business out of my system when I was 16."

So- Happy Mother's Day, blog readers! Celebrate as you see fit.

Just don't go to a cheap restaurant and scream at the server about your dead wife.

(P.S. I love you, mom.)

Friday, May 10, 2013


They gave us pierogi! And my last name! And CAPSLOCK!

[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A Facebook conversation with pictures, names, and places blocked out. HEY [NAME OF STORE]! I KNOW POLAND IS SHITTIEST COUNTRY EVER BUT ARE YOU PLANNING TO MAKE SHOP HERE?"]

Thursday, May 9, 2013

That's what you get for exposing me to health hazards

Whenever someone brings in something exceptionally disgusting to sell, I make them watch me clean it.

Feels good, bro.

Retail secretsss

Every corporate retailer has a website.

Every retailer website has a function that allows you to see which products are available at which store. The website is usually updated more quickly than the stores' internal systems.

Calling a store to ask which other stores have an item in stock is the shopping equivalent of calling a library and asking them to look up a trivia question in an encyclopedia and read it to you over the phone. If you're doing it, you'd better have a damn good reason why.

RELATED: There's a special place in hell for people who ask you to check inventory at places where you don't even work.

"Well, do they have it over at B?"

"I have no idea. I work at A."


The best part is that we're literally three doors down from the place they're asking about, but if you say, "I have no idea, but I don't mind if you go over and ask them," they always freak out.

No, I am not going to call our competitor to check their inventory for you.

You can do it yourself, very easily, on their website.

BAM. Full circle.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Fire Emblem: Awakening

Anyone who spends time with me regularly and/or observes my gaming habits will know that I have been playing the crap out of Fire Emblem: Awakening. I'm not a big tactics RPG girl (mostly because I am terrible at them), but I did rent the game while it was impossible to find and play a few hours so I could check out the hype. And then, months later, while I was sick, I bought it for myself so I could play the whole thing, mostly because there was a trade deal, and Luigi's Mansion was sold out.

Let me tell you.

Fire Emblem: Awakening has destroyed my life.

The story is pretty good. If you're just playing straight through (and you're in wuss mode so you don't have to worry about your characters dying permanently), it takes about 15-20 hours to get to the end. Like with most JRPGs, though, they packed in a bunch of bonus characters and extra stuff to find and unlock.

Ok, gonna be honest, mostly writing this post because it has spoilers, and I figured out how to do page breaks. Check this out:

This is news to no one who's been paying attention

Check it out.

"The majority (66 percent) of low‐wage workers are not employed by small businesses, but rather by large corporations where top executive compensation averaged $9.4 million."

Whoops for America!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I'm so money

I totally earned a penny from my blog ads! So now I can say that I'm a professional blogger. Watch out, world.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Jazz hands

Today, a man came up to me with a copy of Rock Band.

"Is there only rock music?" he asked. "Is there a version with jazz?" 

Check this space for news on the upcoming Jazz Band, Jazz Band 2, Count Basie Jazz Band, and the Jazz Band Brazilian Track Pack.

An addendum to a previous post

So, my dad finally read my blog. (He's a little behind the times.) He read all of my blog, including the post about his birthday. And after reading my whole blog, he pointed out that all of the chess pictures I uploaded had boards that had been set up wrong.

"Apparently, there are people out there who will spend $500,000 on a chess set without knowing how to set it up," he said. Honestly, I'm mostly just amazed that he could see the board under that diamond-studded monstrosity.

To correct my contribution to the ongoing problem of people not knowing how to set up chess games, I am now uploading this helpful diagram:

A chess board set-up, from an instructional article in Reader's Digest Asia.

Holy shit, I learned how to do captions!

The important thing is that when you face the chess board, the bottom right square should be a light-colored square. Remember, kids: white on the right!

Just kidding. Every chess game should look like this:

A tiny smattering of white pieces facing a huge onslaught of black pieces, with the text: "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAA!!!" Totally epic, except that they forgot to put white on the right.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

Yo pasé el día jugando el Dungeons & Dragons. Woooo! ¿Por qué se me acabó el ron?

Friday, May 3, 2013

Hey, look, someone being a douche to retail workers

I love me some Or at least, I did, until I read this super douchey shitstain article:

Feel free to read the whole thing, and slowly seep up the insulting terribleness.

I was all, "Yay! A retail article!" and then about two seconds in I was like, "Aw, hells no." And then I started ranting about it in my head, and now I am putting those rants into words on my computer, and now I will post them on my blog.

You're welcome.

I guess in the interest of fairness I should say that I've never had what could be described as a "bad customer service" experience, but then, most of the stories in the article register as neutral at worst. I mean, how is a stock guy putting new stock on the shelves a customer service disaster? (#2.) Are there really people out there that fill with an impotent rage when they have to move past someone putting new stock on shelves? Is that really a thing?

Thanks to this list, I'm more wary of customers than ever.

#5. "I do my job and not one iota more."

With regards to some guy who gets mad when you tell him that dog food is in the pet aisle:

So where you're thinking that you gave a completely correct, concise answer, he sees you as another young punk who wouldn't stop mopping for three seconds to be a little more helpful, because of an, "I do exactly what I'm paid to do and no more" attitude.

If the answer wasn't specific enough, why wouldn't you just ask him to clarify? Customer service people aren't mind readers.

In regards to the mopping, yes, most retail workers have a ridiculous laundry list of responsibilities, and are forced to do double duty between customer service and maintenance. Guess which one is more important to their job security? (It's not customer service.) Of course, the other option is that you're talking to a literal maintenance guy, in which case he knows fuck all about where the shit you're looking for is. Not everyone working in a store at all times is a customer service representative.

As far as the "I do exactly what I'm paid to do and no more" attitude, in many situations, that's the only way to stay sane in retail. If we lived in some sort of magical meritocracy where hard workers are rewarded for their hard work, then yeah, work harder. As it is, we live in a world where companies fuck with recorded hours to make sure no one gets paid overtime, promotions are unheard of and upper management are always outside hires, hours are cut capriciously or capped to make sure no one gets full-time benefits, salaried employees are forced to work dozens of hours of unpaid overtime each month to make up for the hours cuts, and corporate will find any excuse not to give out raises. At my old retail job, no one in the district got an evaluation for two years, let alone a raise, because they were constantly shuffling district managers around. At my current retail job, upper management is constantly shifting the goalposts to justify giving everyone an "average" rating and a minimum raise. "Well, you're doing great at the thing we dinged you on at last year's evaluation, but now we only care about something else, so, fuck you."  

#4. "Hope is a lie- Sorrow is my only companion."

First, I know that being cheerful and energetic is way, way harder for some people than for others. But people aren't expecting you to be an ambassador for humanity, they just don't want to walk away from your encounter feeling like they may have been the last straw that pushed you into clinical depression.

I do have clinical depression, first of all. So, there's that. Maybe get over the idea that some stranger's mood has anything to do with you? Also, auditing other people's emotions is a major dick move.

 It creeps me out so much that sometimes if I walk in to either establishment and see that they're the only cashiers working, I'll turn around and walk back out without buying anything at all, even if I desperately needed what I came for.

Anyone who's willing to majorly inconvenience themselves because some minimum wage worker wasn't smiley enough has issues that I'm not qualified to examine. The funny thing is, I hear equally as many complaints about how fake retail workers and salespeople are.

You either get fake enthusiasm, or genuine apathy.

 And please, don't come back with, "It's minimum wage, what do you expect?" Minimum wage isn't nothing -- when a minimum wage job opens up, 30 applications come in.

Thirty? Try hundreds. Regardless, even if you manage to hire a good one, it's only a matter of time until the good employees realize that they're always going to be making the same amount of money as the bad employees, and they give up on trying. (See: #5.) 

#3. "How was my day? Well, funny you should ask..."

This is a customer issue. At my job, we have multiple grandma-mom-daughter trios who come in to buy video games and tell us at length about their ongoing custody battles with their deadbeat baby daddies. I didn't realize we had more than one of those until I had the following conversation with ladyboss:

"So, my favorite grandma-mom-daughter trio who come in to tell us at length about their ongoing custody battle with the deadbeat baby daddy were here today."

"You mean Alimony Chick?"

"Oh, no, the other one."

Lots of people, maybe especially nerds, are lonely and isolated, so when they see someone who's nice to them, they latch on. It doesn't matter that you're forced to be nice to them. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy talking to our regulars (some of whom read THIS VERY BLOG!), but if I've never seen you before and you want me to give you dating advice, well, that's weird.

Then we finally get to some prime evidence that the writer is a raging douchebag:

Four or five years ago, I took on a massive amount of overtime at my previous job so I could buy my kids some really nice Christmas gifts, because up until that point, I had never had that opportunity. I had to work a few 80-hour weeks at a strenuous physical labor job to do it, but we were able to buy about $1500 worth of toys and gadgets. I was pretty proud of myself. When we got to the checkout line, the girl behind the register started asking us straight-up, "I don't get how people can afford stuff like this. How do you do it? How much money do you make a year?"

She went on to tell us about how she wasn't sure how she was going to afford Christmas for her own kids, and then I sort of just blacked out.

Really? Is it so hard to imagine that some poverty-ridden cashier would snap after the thousandth time she had to watch some asshole spend over a thousand dollars on toys? Good for you for working 80-hour weeks, I guess, which you were only able to do because you had someone available to watch your kids- a privilege that may not be shared by this woman.

I've been known to crack under the pressure of being nice to people who are making my life hell. Like the time I had to work a full day during an escalated snow emergency. I may have pointed out that I risked my life to dig out my shitty old Saturn, come to the store, and take their stupid return.

A few times.

#2. "Can you not see that I'm busy!?"

 Not much will piss me off more when I'm shopping than a stocker who won't get the fuck out of the way. I'm not talking about minor little occurrences where you can easily just reach around them and say, "Pardon me." I'm talking about when you say that, they look you directly in the eyes to acknowledge that you're there, and continue to work. Because their boss said, "Stock this shit," and, by God, that's exactly what they're going to do. They'll be damned if they let annoying setbacks like customers get in their way.

Oh, fuck you. Fuck you right in your stupid fucking article.

Stock people are not customer service representatives, so what are they even doing on this list? If you want one of the things being stocked, why wouldn't you just ask for it? Weren't you just complaining about customer service people not being articulate enough in #5? Last I checked, "pardon me" doesn't mean "can I have one of those."

I'm getting the impression that this guy's bizarre aversion to talking to store employees is what's causing all these problems for him. Maybe try asking for help when you need it.

 I guess the key is remembering that as the employee, it's actually your job to be invisible and out of the way, where the customer has no obligation whatsoever to make stocking easier for you.

Wait, employees are supposed to be invisible? Awesome! I'll be hiding in the back room from now on.

After all, the store doesn't exist to keep the shit on the shelves, it exists to get it into the carts of customers -- so it's not so much learning to embrace each customer as the precious child of God that they are, but just recognizing that the customer's role is literally to fuck up your stack of cans. When customers ruin your schedule by buying things, the system is actually working perfectly.

This article is actually getting less sensible as it goes on. I mean, at first it was all "crotchety guy with poor social skills," but it's getting more and more to "I hate the concept of a store." If you hate the idea that stores have to fill shelves to move product, and you hate the idea of talking to customer service people, but you also hate the idea of being ignored by customer service people, why don't you try, I don't know, shopping online? Did you know that you can buy anything you want, from the comfort of your own home? I mean, you obviously have an internet connection.

Seriously, you won't be missed.

He hasn't gone off the deep end yet, though:

#1. "Would you like to buy every service we offer?"

This has... literally nothing to do with the customer service employee. At all. He even says as much:

You didn't do anything wrong. It's not your fault. It's the company's fault. I have no advice here -- if you run through the offers quickly, then it sounds like you're being terse and rushing them along. If you go slower and really try to sell them on the benefits, you're wasting their time. You can't roll your eyes and say, "I know this is annoying, just bear with me," because they'll fire your ass. There is no perfect way to do it, because what you're being asked to do is annoying as shit.

Every store has a loyalty program. Not signing up is as easy as saying "no thanks." It's hardly the raging inconvenience that people make it out to be. Even Amazon is constantly bugging you to sign up for their Prime service, but I guess that's ok, because being forced to say the words "no thanks" is physically way more strenuous than clicking past something, or whatever.

Of course, lest we think the douchery is over, he ends the article with the douche cherry on the douche sundae:

But having the right attitude while working customer service can win you life's ultimate prize: the right to not have to work in customer service any more.

Really, bro?

Nobody has the "right" to work or not work anywhere. A job is just a job. You perform a task, they give you money, you get to stay alive a little bit longer. Sure, there are people out there who work customer service because they love customer service. There are also people who work customer service because they have to to keep themselves and their families housed and fed, and that's all that was available. Not everyone has a great education, or lives in an area with better-paying union labor jobs.

(Incidentally, being great at retail only qualifies you to work more retail, so this idea that being great at customer service will somehow win you the "right" to have a quiet office job is missing a few links in the chain.)

Finally, for your own benefit, my loyal reading public, let me tell you what the real issue causing all these customer service horrors is.

People are cheap.

With the rise of Wal-Mart and other big box retailers, people were forced to make a choice between customer service and low prices. People chose low prices. Low prices have costs in other places, like shoddy products, exploitative factory conditions, and- wait for it- understaffed stores. Next time you're waiting in line at the one open register at Wal-Mart, cursing and wondering why they don't open more lanes, remember the answer:

They would have to hire and pay more employees, and they don't want to.

They know you'll keep coming to shop at Wal-Mart no matter how terrible it is, because when it comes down to it, you only care about price.


But seriously, if you're just going to come into a store and complain about everything, do us all a favor and shop on Amazon instead. For reals.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A humble request

I just really want everyone who comes in here to wear real pants. Is that too much to ask?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What up, Russia!

According to Blogger, I'm getting page hits from Russia! HEY, RUSSIA! In honor of my super awesome page hits from Russia, I've decided to highlight some famous Russian video game characters. Like Natalya, from Goldeneye 007:

[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Natalya, not in the line of fire for once ever.]

Oh wait. Natalya sucks. Umm... how about Zangief?

[Zangief, bein' all naked and hairy. Help! Help! I need an adult!]

You know what? This was a bad idea. Let's just end this post and pretend this never happened.

I'm so sorry, Russia. I'm so, so sorry.