Monday, May 6, 2013

An addendum to a previous post

So, my dad finally read my blog. (He's a little behind the times.) He read all of my blog, including the post about his birthday. And after reading my whole blog, he pointed out that all of the chess pictures I uploaded had boards that had been set up wrong.

"Apparently, there are people out there who will spend $500,000 on a chess set without knowing how to set it up," he said. Honestly, I'm mostly just amazed that he could see the board under that diamond-studded monstrosity.

To correct my contribution to the ongoing problem of people not knowing how to set up chess games, I am now uploading this helpful diagram:

A chess board set-up, from an instructional article in Reader's Digest Asia.

Holy shit, I learned how to do captions!

The important thing is that when you face the chess board, the bottom right square should be a light-colored square. Remember, kids: white on the right!

Just kidding. Every chess game should look like this:

A tiny smattering of white pieces facing a huge onslaught of black pieces, with the text: "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAA!!!" Totally epic, except that they forgot to put white on the right.

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