Thursday, May 16, 2013

Technology is scary

A woman just came into the store asking about wireless headsets for her kid.

"Will that increase the electromagnetic frequency around the head?"

"Yes it will," said bossbro. "Does he have an implant?"

"No, but I know there's a controversy."

Of course you do. She did not react to my silent judgment.

"Do wireless controllers do that, too?" she asked.

"Yes. It's the same as using a cell phone."

She left.

"You know what else produces an electromagnetic field?" said bossbro. "The Earth."

RELATED: The lady from last Christmas who asked us if the scans from a Kinect are dangerous.

"It's a camera," we said. "It's not scanning anything."

She didn't get it.

And that's the day I added "explaining, in-depth, how cameras work" to my list of job responsibilities.


  1. Your customers sound like our truck drivers. Id love to see them try to have a conversation. Like two donkeys braying at each other.

  2. "I thought this Xbox came with the internet!" "HEEHAAAAAWWWW"
