Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I hate it when salespeople help me out

Here's something I run into quite a bit.

A customer will ask me if something is good. I give an honest answer. If my answer is "no, that game is terrible" (I'm looking at you, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City!) there's a 50-50 chance that the person will thank me for being honest, or flip out and tell me that I just lost a sale.

It's the second group that makes no sense to me.

Do you really want salespeople to lie to you? I mean, sure, I could easily just tell you that everything's super-great and smile and take your money, but why would I? That just costs the store a customer, and generates more work for me. Someone asked me once why I told the truth and I said, "You'd just be back tomorrow to return it because it's a terrible product, so why not skip all those middle steps and save everyone the effort?"

And don't even get me started on people like this guy:

[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A Facebook post with pictures, names, and places blocked out. The person writes, "I called ya store and asked if they had some wifi cards for xbox 360 they said yup and gave me a price and everything, got there five minutes later and poof they fresh sold out, but they gladly directed me to [name of competitor redacted] where I found plenty in stock. Looks like you aint gettin my money today."]

Assuming that "wifi cards for xbox 360" is referring to time cards for Xbox Live (he could also be talking about a wifi adapter), those are on sale at my job right now. Is his issue that a store sold out of a major sale item at Christmas? How entitled can you get? In any case, the employees told him that a nearby store would probably have it in stock, and he went there and got exactly what he wanted, with seemingly minimal hassle.

"I got exactly what I wanted! FUCK YOU!"

All a "complaint" like this does is get the employees in trouble for helping him out in a situation that was beyond their control. If this gets back to the store he visited, next time he goes in to shop for something that's sold out, no one's going to be willing or able to tell him where it might be available, because they got yelled at by management for recommending a competitor. Whoops for you! 

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