Friday, January 4, 2013

Returns, returns, returns

[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A Facebook conversation with pictures, names, and places blocked out.

A: Never going to [name of store redacted] again i buy black ops 2 new played it once and i dident like it and i take it back to [name of store redacted] and i cant trade it in for super mario u...or they will give me 15$ im going to [name of competitor redacted] from now on

B: Well, maybe u should play the game before u spend 60 dollars on it!

B: Why do u think people have things like gamefly, block buster, or even redbox?!?!

C: Try [name of competitor redacted] or [name of competitor redacted] they tell you what u get for the game on their website

D: How did you not like it it's the best game of 2012

A: [B] i have played it its just that when i played i got bored of it really fast and i like battlefield now

A: call of duty is just boring now

A: i cant rent it im broke  ]

It will come as no surprise that the original poster is a kid. B is one of his real-life friends, and thankfully, has some sense. "I can't afford to rent games because I spent $60 on a game I didn't want!" Really, kid? Really? 

Opened media isn't allowed to be returned. Period. Every retailer has the same policy. It's the same as with a DVD or a CD. You can't buy a DVD, watch it, then return it for full value. That's why you pay for a rental for any media item you don't want to own forever and ever and ever.

Video game purchases are complicated by the fact that many new games come with one-time use codes now, with no way for the retailer to determine whether it's been used. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 in particular comes with a download voucher for an extra map called Nuketown 2025. Since that content is missing, the game has to be sold as a used game or not at all, which is a huge loss to the retailer on an item that has next to no profit margin anyway. That's why you can't return opened new games. It doesn't stop people from impulse buying expensive items they don't want and freaking out when they can't return them, though.

To those people, I say:


Please just go rent your games instead. If you return everything you buy, you're not really a customer anyway.

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