Sunday, June 9, 2013

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


If your guess was "spent four hours at my job on my day off playing Animal Crossing with my coworkers," you would be CORRECT!

I am now the proud mayor of Balsaq. Ladyboss named her town Gobville, and bossbro named his Bat Cave. Balsaq is the superior town, by like, a lot. Obviously.

We don't have many outlets in our back room, and most of them are being used by way-less-important-than-Animal-Crossing crap like security equipment, so I spent a good chunk my morning playing my 3DS in our filthy bathroom.

I went to work on my day off to play video games with my coworkers, in a bathroom.

But look at how cute we are!

Well, I'm not cute. I got stung by a bee.

Bossbro's been sending his townspeople letters telling them that Balsaq gives you cancer, but I retaliated by letting them know that bossbro's leadership is bad for the working animal, and that my town has free beer.

Plus, this penguin calls me ladybro, and that's great.

"I thought, if this ladybro's in charge, Balsaq is in good hands!"

Your Balsaq is in good hands, Iggly. It's in good hands.

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