Sunday, December 8, 2013

Amateur guitarists are douchebags

Someone came in today to buy Rocksmith, a video game that teaches you how to play guitar. I hate the ads for Rocksmith because they're always trash-talking actual lessons with a real teacher. Speaking as a real-life teacher and student of private instrumental lessons, no, I don't think learning tools like Rocksmith are an effective replacement for a human teacher.

Of course, a lot of bros who pick up guitar aren't really interested in mastering an instrument, instead being mostly just interested in being "good enough." You know, to impress the laydeez at parteez. 

Anyway, this guy is buying Rocksmith, and it somehow comes up that I am a real-life musician-type person.

"What instrument do you play?"

"Clarinet," I said.

"Oh," he said. "Well, that's not as romantic as guitar."

Um, what? In what universe!? There is literally an entire genre of orchestral music referred to, Officially, by Music Historians, as the Romantic period. People EAT UP that tortured classical musician crap.

(Incidentally, if you're ever talking to a classical musician and you're like, "I can't tell if this is sexy passion or pretentious bullshit," the answer is usually pretentious bullshit. I know. I'm on the inside.)

Anyway, the important thing is that ain't nobody compares a clarinet unfavorably to a guitar in front of ME without getting viciously mocked on the internet.

No, sir.

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