Sunday, November 3, 2013

Apparently the new Batman game is too hard for the bros

FULL DISCLOSURE: I have not played Batman: Arkham Origins, nor have I played Arkham Asylum or Arkham City (even though I know the ending.) I can't personally attest to the difficulty level. Ladyboss has been playing the game like a maniac, though, and she commented on how hard some of the boss fights were- there were a few she had to do twice. So, you know, there's some level of skill involved.

Because it's a game that requires some level of skill, everybro has been bringing it back to the store to complain about how terrible it is.

One particular repeat-offense bro who also traded in Assassin's Creed IV because he got stuck somewhere came in today to also trade in Arkham Origins. 

"This game is terrible!" he complained, tossing it on the counter.

"Why is it terrible?"

"It's too hard! Why is it so hard? Kids can't play that!"

"Well, most games aren't really designed with kids in mind," I said. "The average gamer is in their 30s."

"It's too hard! I got stuck in Assassin's Creed, and now I'm stuck in Arkham!"

"So, you're trading in the new Batman game because it was too hard for you?" I asked.


"Well, you know, it's not that it was hard," he said. "It was just difficult."

Well, that clears that up.

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