Thursday, April 18, 2013

Injustice: Gods Among Us

So, I got to try out Injustice, because it's in our demo unit and bossbro and I snuck over and played it while there weren't customers in the store. And let me tell you.

It is so good, you guys.

[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: The cover art for Injustice. And I picked the Wii U version, because fuck you, that's why.]

Neither bossbro nor I are particularly adept fighting game players (I'm just gonna assume Super Smash Bros. doesn't count), nor are we particularly hardcore comic book nerds. I mean, when I went to pick my character, I was all, "Who the hell is Killer Frost?" 

The first match we played was Hawkgirl vs. Green Arrow. I chose Hawkgirl, because I have taste.

"You're Green Arrow? Way to choose the guy who's already dead on the cover of the game." No, seriously. Look at the cover of the game. Though if I ended up in between Superman and Batman while they were locked in a fight to the death, I'd probably be dead, too.

"Why can't I shoot arrows?" bossbro complained. "Isn't that literally all he does?" Eventually he figured it out, but he could only manage to do it while crouching, so all the arrows stuck in Hawkgirl's knee. We shared a hearty nerd laugh.

"I keep jumping by accident," I said.

"Stop using the joystick. Use the d-pad."

"Oh my God, Hawkgirl can fly! This is awesome!" I flew up in a corner, just to sort of hang out, like I do. Then I chucked my mace at Green Arrow's head.

I won that match.

The second match we played, I picked Superman and he picked Nightwing.

"Shouldn't Superman just win everything by default?" I asked. "Nightwing doesn't even have any powers. Hey, how do I use my eye beams?"






Then Nightwing pulled out some weirdo acrobat bullshit, and Superman dropped a fucking car on him.

So I won that one, too. 

All I want right now is to get super fucking drunk and watch a bunch of people who don't know what the hell they're doing try to play Injustice. I think Injustice is my new Soul Calibur, y'all. I mean, don't lie. You've all gone to a party to watch a bunch of drunk amateurs beat each other up in Soul Calibur, and it was totally hilarious. Now, image that instead of a bunch of wackos with weapons that make no sense, it's Batman grapple-gunning Aquaman in his douche face.


That's not to say there's nothing I don't like about it, though.

[Harley Quinn's new, uh, design. No comment.]

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